Thursday, September 8, 2011

Week one has been...

Fun.   Exciting.   Silly.   Interesting.    Heartwarming.   EXHAUSTING!!!

I had great intentions of posting after the first day of school, and then the second... Instead I found myself going to bed at 8:30 pm when I tucked my children in, barely able to stay awake to read their bed time stories. 

We have really had a great week so far! It is always fun to watch the kids as their personalities unfold for me the first few days.  We have spent a great deal of time getting to know each other, as well as getting those important classroom boundaries set in place.  

We have spent a lot of time chatting about RESPECT! In class we discussed what respect looks like and sounds like. The kiddos came up with some wonderful examples.  We then decided that we needed to create our classroom rules, and that they were in charge of coming up with them. We had so many great rules that each time we brought back to the question, Is this respectful?

After a great deal of time we decided that we really only needed ONE classroom rule. I agree to be respectful with my words and actions. Kinda sums it up easily!  The Classroom Constitution was then created! It will be proudly displayed in the classroom for all to see.

We did another great activity called the toothpaste activity.  Ask your child how their words are like a tube of toothpaste.

Watch for those Friday folders to be coming home.  Our class newsletter will be in there, as well as spelling words for next week.  On Monday our first homework assignment will be sent home. It is due the following Monday! Gather up some good books for reading!

I took some great pictures this week, but cannot post until forms are returned next week giving me permission to do so.  (The forms will be in their Friday folders.) Names will never be posted for security reasons. I love adding all of the great pictures of what is happening in room 126.

Your Child's Teacher,
Mrs. Rademacher -A.K.A. Mrs. R. since Rademacher is too stinking long...

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