Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Student Handbook

For those of you who are checking the blog...Thank You! 
It is a great way for me to get information out to parents!   

Below is our classroom handbook.  Feel free to take a peek at it, and let me know if you have any questions.  I will have copies available at open house as well. 

Mrs. Rademacher’s Classroom Handbook
Room 126

I am really looking forward to a great 2011-2012 school year! Third grade is filled with many adventures and a lot of great new learning.  Please read through the general classroom information. Let me know if there is anything else I can assist with!
Crystal Rademacher

Classroom Management
This year I am making a big change in my behavior program. I will no longer be using classroom dollars like in past years; rather will be using the green, yellow, red approach.  Inside your child’s daily folder there will be a monthly calendar where your child will color in what color their day was. (Green = No issues, Yellow = One issue, Red= Multiple behavioral issues throughout the day.)  If your child struggled throughout the day and ended up on red, they are responsible to complete a sheet (that will be sent home) detailing what happened, and what can be changed in the future. These are returned the following day.   I am hoping to see lots and lots of green days!

Wyoming Elementary does shave a zero tolerance policy for any type of violence and/ or bullying.  If this should occur a school discipline ticket of FYI will be issued.

Third graders are assigned a weekly homework packet.  I know that each of your families’ lives are busy, so I like to make homework as manageable as possible.  Here is how it works: Each Monday or 1st day of the week, your child will be given his/her homework assignment that can be worked on throughout the week at the pace that you and your child choose.  It needs to be completed and returned to school the following Monday, or 1st day of the week.  The reading requirement for third grade is that each child read at least 80 minutes per week.  These minutes can be read aloud or independently. There is a place on the sheet to include the minutes read each day. An adult must sign homework packets before they are turned in on Monday.

Snack Break
Third grade has an early lunchtime so we will have time each afternoon for a snack break.  Students are encouraged to bring in a healthy snack from home. Please keep in mind that a healthy snack will do more to boost your child’s learning than a snack full of sugar.   Pop is not allowed.  We will not be ordering milk or juice from the kitchen.

We are partners in your child’s educational success.  Open communication between school and home is crucial.  Please feel free to call or e-mail me with any questions or concerns that you may have. I check my e-mail from school, as well as at home.  Also, look for our weekly newsletter in your child’s communication folder that is sent home every Friday.  Here you will find what is happening in the class, as well as spelling words and other information. The best times to contact me are from 7:45-9:00 AM, and from 3:30-4:00 PM.

I am always looking for parents, grandparents, and other adults to help out in the class. We use volunteers in a variety of ways. Please let me know if you are interested. I would certainly love to have you. With our extra large class this year any extra help would be greatly appreciated!

Things I always need help with
  • Communication Folders and mail on Friday’s
  • Classroom scrapbook helpers
  • Working with students
  • Preparing classroom materials (copying, cutting…)
  • Field trips
  • Parent experts (Would you like to come in and share your hobbies, talents or job duties?)

A birthday is a special day for your child and our classroom.  Please feel free to send in a treat for the celebration if you wish. We currently have 33 students.  We will celebrate the summer birthdays at the end of the school year with a summer birthday bash!

Third grade uses the 1-5 grading system.  Grades are kept using the online grade book that parents can access from home.  Grades are updated weekly as assignments are finished and corrected.  Please remember this is just a portion of each child’s progress.  Report cards are completed twice a year, as well as two scheduled conferences times.

5+ (Significantly exceeds grade level expectations +)
5 (Significantly exceeds grade level expectations)
5- (Significantly exceeds grade level expectations -)
4+ (Exceeds grade level expectations +)
4 (Exceeds grade level expectations)
4- (Exceeds grade level expectations -)
3+ (Meets grade level expectations +)
3 (Meets grade level expectations)
3- (Meets grade level expectations -)
2+ (Below grade level expectations +)
2 (Below grade level expectations)
2- (Below grade level expectations -)
1 (Significantly below grade level expectations)

Book Orders
Book orders are sent home through Scholastic Book Clubs.  Please send in a check for the book orders. Cash cannot be accepted. It is only necessary to write out one check for multiple orders. 

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