Saturday, October 29, 2011

Chemical reactions are BEAUTIFUL!

During our latest science experiment we made beautiful crystals using charcoal briquets. 

Mrs. Eggebraaten helping a group measure and mix.  
 We combined 6 teaspoons of bluing, 1 teaspoon of ammonia, 6 teaspoons of salt, and 6 teaspoons of water into a beaker.  Next, the mixture was stirred and was poured over a charcoal briquet. (Make sure all of the salt is scraped out and placed on the top.)  We then added a few drops of blue, green and yellow food coloring onto the top of the mixture

Here it what it looked like immediately.  (Day 1)

Here is one hour later... (Day 1)

Here is the following morning... (Day 2-approximately 17 hours later)

Here is Day 3...

Each day the crystals (which are VERY light and powdery) continued to grow.  
The kids then did their final observations.  

I think that the class would give this experiment two thumbs up!

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